Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Post From Your School Psychologist: Cause and Effect

QUOTED: Causality is a basic assumption of science. Scientists set up experiments to determine causality in the physical world. Embedded within the scientific method and experiments is a hypothesis or several hypotheses about causal relationships. The scientific method is used to test the hypotheses.

In many ways, educators do this everyday: try to a new instructional technique, implement a novel invention, or create a behavior plan. Functional Behavioral Assessment, Response-To-Intervention, and Data-Based Decision Making are the scientific method wrapped up and re-packaged.  Teachers are scientists.  EVERYDAY! 


  1. I hadn't really thought about how school psychologists and teachers are scientists everyday. I'm a fan of keeping psychology scientific, so I like this idea! I am currently a grad student and we are learning about RTI all the time and it is scientific- implementing empirically based interventions and monitoring the effects so that we can say the intervention caused the results.
