Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My First Post: Education is Lighting a Fire.

Classroom Management Plan
I am not exactly sure what I will write.  
Some of it will definitely be about school stuff.
Interactive Calculation Sentence

Classroom Management Plan: Get a Hershey Kiss as a "catch them being good" motivator!

Great way to keep dice from getting "lost."

Another Classroom Management Plan!

Teaching "less than" and "greater than"

Fun with sequencing...

1 comment:

  1. The problem with your classroom management plans,is that it compares students. Although it would be good for the teacher to know where each student is behaviorally, this information shouldnt be seen by other students. This has a negative effect on students with learning disabilities and or struggle with conditions like ADHD. Methods like this ensure that they always feel left out, or not good enough, other children tease then, and even if they didn't the children who struggle always feel like they never measure up, that they will never fit in, they eventually give up and the behavior gets worse. Please do not use comparison reward systems for behavior or for who gets the highest scores in the classroom or reads the most books. Thank you. Sincerely, Parent of a LD student with ADHD.
